

Hedgebook Client Dashboard - see what you can't see now

Add real value through building a deep understanding of your client base.

How does it work?

Let’s say the exchange rate has moved two percent overnight. Which customers are exposed? Who should be called first?

No more relying on memory, spreadsheets, or your CRM. In a couple of clicks Hedgebook’s FX Client Dashboard surfaces the clients that need your guidance now. Instant visibility of budget rates, forecast cashflows, hedging cover, hedge rates, policy limit compliance across different hedging horizons and more.

Hedgebook Client Dashboard overview

  • Sort and filter your customers hedging positions to identify sales leads and opportunities
  • Currency hedging requirements are quickly analysed, helping you engage more effectively
  • Turn conversations from reactive to pro-active: switch to a consultative, data-driven sales approach
  • Sell the right FX hedging product – at the right time – to the right customers

What our clients say

"Spreadsheets and monthly reporting are a real pain point for corporate treasurers...'Absa Hedgebook' plugs a big gap, helping our clients to do their work with far greater ease."

Aphile Molefe - Head of eCommerce (South Africa) - Absa CIB

Hedgebook Client Dashboard - more insights, faster

Hedgebook’s FX Client Dashboard is recommended for anyone managing customer hedging positions or responsible for identifying new treasury management opportunities within your existing client base. Its powerful ‘sort and filter’ functionality enables you to rapidly analyse positions, helping you put the right currency management strategy forward, at the right time.

Actionable insights

Insightful analytics that help both you and your customers make better decisions, faster.

Detailed analysis

Drill down for a more detailed breakdown of client exposure using Hedgebook’s FX Exposure Tool.

Increase value

An invaluable tool to deliver the truly consultative, data driven approach your customers value.

Compliance covered

Supports IAS 39, IFRS 9, CVA/DVA for IFRS 13, and IFRS 7 calculations plus US GAAP.

Intuitive tools

Intuitive cash management tools to model different scenarios.

Simple set-up

Free trial before you buy with guaranteed 24-hour implementation.

Share information

Everyone shares your view; including banks, brokers and advisors.

But will your customers love it?

"The reporting is a real benefit and something you just can’t get on a spreadsheet. And did I mention how easy it is to use and how user-friendly the interface is?”

Rebecca Parsons, Accounts and Admin Manager, Frontier International

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