
The Hedgebook collection

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IFRS 7 – Disclosure Requirements of Financial Instruments
IFRS 7 – Disclosure Requirements of Financial Instruments
The focus of this blog post (which we updated in 2024) is IFRS 7 disclosure requirements and specifically the quantitative disclosures in assessing the risks faced by an entity in regards to its financial instruments.
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IFRS 13: Fair value measurement – Credit Value Adjustment
IFRS 13: Fair value measurement – Credit Value Adjustment
We examine IFRS 13 as it relates to the Credit Value Adjustment (CVA) of a financial instrument including fair value measurement - reflecting greater focus on the impact of counterparty credit risk post GFC.
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Credit Value Adjustment
Credit Value Adjustment
Credit Value Adjustment or CVA has been around for a long time. However, the introduction of the accounting standard IFRS13 in 2013, drove a requirement to understand it a bit better. This is a quick overview of what you need to know.
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Lies, damned lies and valuations
Lies, damned lies and valuations
We take a look at one of the key questions auditors ask: “why is there a difference between the bank valuation and the Hedgebook valuation (or any other system’s for that matter)?” We explore a selection of reasons that can lead to differences. 
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Why FX Valuations are Wasted at Year End
Why FX Valuations are Wasted at Year End
As responsible FX managers we need to meet market uncertainty with probability; delivering the best, most accurate information we can, so the right decisions can be made. On any day.
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An Introduction to Currency Risk for Importers and Exporters
An Introduction to Currency Risk for Importers and Exporters
Importers and exporters face the daunting task of dealing with foreign exchange risk that can easily alter revenues; those with smaller cash reserves are impacted the most - but they certainly aren't alone.
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The Benefits of Hedging, and Managing FX Risk
The Benefits of Hedging, and Managing FX Risk
Many small to medium-sized firms tend not to hedge - even if they engage in extensive import and/or export activity. We are looking to change that with a closer look at the benefits of hedging.
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Exploring the impact of path dependent options
Exploring the impact of path dependent options
We explore the difficulties companies face when using path dependent options, such as leveraged collars or participating forwards. We've included some practical examples to make it easier to understand.
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“Will auditors enforce CVA compliance?” Was the question.
“Will auditors enforce CVA compliance?” Was the question.
CVA and DVA are now commonly used terms and considered standard fare for audit. But that wasn’t always the case. We take a look at just how far we have come on the CVA audit journey in the last decade.
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Year End: Financial Instrument Check List
Year End: Financial Instrument Check List
As the end-of-year compliance burden grows for Australian and New Zealand organisations, we put together a practical check list for those exposed to financial instruments such as FX forwards, FX options and interest rate swaps.
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Worsening conditions means greater materiality of CVA/DVA
Worsening conditions means greater materiality of CVA/DVA
We recently took the time to update this popular blog on the materiality of CVA/DVA to reflect current credit fluctuations and the impact this has on reporting. A short read to get you up-to-date.
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Essential hedge effectiveness testing: methods and importance
Essential hedge effectiveness testing: methods and importance
Ensuring the changes in fair value of a hedge adequately offset the changes in fair value of the hedged item can be critical. Kevin Mitchell, MD of Hedge Effective Advisory, explores a range of hedge testing methods.
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What Auditors Look For in Valuing Financial Instruments
What Auditors Look For in Valuing Financial Instruments
Hedgebook proudly works with 75% of the UK’s top thirty audit firms. Hedgebook Audit is also used by auditors around the world.  Customers discussions reveal five main reasons auditors use Hedgebook.
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The Complete Guide to Calculating fx forward points
The Complete Guide to Calculating fx forward points
Every year thousands of readers like you benefit from this common-sense approach to the calculation of foreign exchange (FX) forward points. First published 10 years ago, we regularly review and update it.
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Treasury Reflections – looking back over the last two years
Treasury Reflections – looking back over the last two years
In this guest blog, Head of Bancorp Treasury Services, Dean Sharrar, takes a timely look at his 'treasury reflections' examining what was a very different 2021 and 2022 to what anyone would have previously predicted. 
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How is your FX exposure looking right now?
How is your FX exposure looking right now?
If your business is exposed to foreign exchange volatility it can be unsettling. Depending on which side of the exchange rate your business is exposed to, currency movements will be felt differently.
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